rick matthews

Rick Matthews, New River, AZ

Christ Brought Forth
Christ's Origin
Was Christ YHVH’s Son before His Crucifixion?

To Him Who Knows To Do Good . . .

Understanding Christ as the Logos: The Word, the Image of YHVH, and the Heir of All Creation

YHVH as the One True God and Christ as the Firstborn Over All Creation

The Importance of Knowledge and Obedience to all aspects of YHVH's Word

YHVH: The One True God and Christ as His Created Son Before Creation

The Biblical Meaning of The Days of Unleavened Bread

The History of the Biblical Calendar, Revised

The Biblical and Historical Significance of Pentecost

The Distinction Between YHVH and Yeshua

The Resurrection of the Firstfruits

New River, AZ