austin wildt

Austin Wildt, Kalispell, MT

Is Your Leaven My Leaven?

Messages for the Days of Unleavened Bread


Audio First Day

Audio Last Day

The Alpha & The Omega

Audio     Transcript

Chronology of the Last Supper

These are the events leading up to, during, and just after what is commonly called the “Lord’s supper” or “last supper”. My commentary throughout is about the events and explanation on why I believe this meal was NOT a Passover meal. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Passover is not a day, it is a sacrifice that was killed at twilight at the end of the 14th day of the first month.


Covenants, Blood and Marriage

We’ll go through the scriptures to see what is said about covenants–what types where were; how many there were; and with whom they were made. We’ll also dig a bit into the marriage covenant and see what we find. Scripture, historic records, culture and common understandings are all looked at to see how they stack up to each other.


Audio     Video

glacier national park, montana, panorama-1733311.jpg